- Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni deeply appreciated President Xi's people-centered vision
- Former Thai deputy PM Phinij Jarusombat: Chinese President Xi Jinping is a broad-minded leader
- Former Greek PM George Papandreou: People first and a shared future
- American expert on China Robert Kuhn: Xi inspires me to do in-depth study of China
American expert on China Robert Kuhn: Xi inspires me to do in-depth study of China
Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni deeply appreciated President Xi's people-centered vision
Former Thai deputy PM Phinij Jarusombat: Chinese President Xi Jinping is a broad-minded leader
Former Greek PM George Papandreou: People first and a shared future
- Portuguese Professor Francisco Leandro:China and Portuguese-speaking nations could deepen agricultural cooperation amid global food security risks
- Kazakh expert Bulat Sultanov: What is the genuine purpose behind the ‘color revolution’ instigated by US-led West in Kazakhstan?
- Brazilian economist Elias Jabbour hails China’s vision for world peace
- Syrian expert Bouthaina Shaaban: “Building a community with a shared future for mankind” conforms to the trend of the times
- Former Egyptian PM hails strong bilateral ties, vaccine cooperation with China
- Pakistani PM Shahbaz Sharif: China always stands with Pakistan, offers supports on political, diplomatic fronts
- Dominican PM Roosevelt Skerrit: China has certainly been a friend
- Former Thai PM Abhisit Vejjajiva: Why do we need a strong system of multilateral cooperation?
- Former Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome: China-proposed outlook on peace, development in Horn of Africa highly appreciated

Australian party leader Vinnie Molina: China’s modernization is based on development in interest of the people
- China’s glorious 10 years in the eyes of 10 global thinkers
- Turkish analyst impressed by CPC’s achievements over past decades
- President of New Zealand China Friendship Society Dave Bromwich impressed by CPC’s outstanding service to Chinese people
- Bulgarian expert Zahari Zahariev: CPC builds full-fledged democracy in China
- South African researcher Paul Tembe: China’s whole-process people’s democracy revolutionizes understandings on democracy
- Belgian expert Francois Serneels: Direction or leadership is a striking characteristic of CPC
- Australian party leader Vinnie Molina: China’s modernization is based on development in interest of the people

Pakistani PM Shahbaz Sharif: China’s experience in poverty alleviation has set a role model for world to emulate
- Swedish expert Stephen Brawer: BRI: A pathway to a bright future for mankind
- Rwandan expert Theoneste Higaniro: China-proposed BRI boosts infrastructure development and trade across the world
- Turkish Professor Sedat Aybar: BRI boosts living standards in Turkey
- American expert on China Robert Kuhn: China’s development is an epic story
- Ghanaian diplomat Adam Abdul Rahaman: CPC’s success offers experience to Africa
- Former Tunisian Foreign Minister Ahmed Ounaies hails China’s contributions in North Africa
- Former Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome: China’s success of remarkable significance for world
- Pakistani PM Shahbaz Sharif: China’s experience in poverty alleviation has set a role model for world to emulate

Chairman of the Fergana branch of the Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan Muhammadjon Obidov: Socialism with Chinese characteristics has significant advantages
- Chief editor of Liberian NEWCOM Television Nicholas Dweh Nimley: BRI aids decade-long African transformation
- Director of the Macau Post Daily Harald Brüning: Pacific tour shows China’s equality-based diplomacy
- Chairman of the Fergana branch of the Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan Muhammadjon Obidov: Socialism with Chinese characteristics has significant advantages