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Xi Jinping Meets with President Donald Trump of the United States (US)

2019-06-29 10:21

On June 29, 2019 local time, President Xi Jinping met with President Donald Trump of the United States (US) in Osaka. The two heads of state exchanged in-depth views on fundamental issues concerning the development of China-US relations, the current economic and trade frictions between China and the US, and international and regional issues of common concern. They set direction for bilateral relations in a period to come and agreed to advance a China-US relationship featuring coordination, cooperation and stability.

Xi Jinping pointed out that China-US relations are one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. Looking back at the 40 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the US, great changes have taken place in the international situation and bilateral relations, but the basic fact that China and the US both benefit from cooperation and lose from confrontation has remained unchanged. Cooperation works better than friction and dialogue works better than confrontation. At present, China-US relations have encountered some difficulties, which are not in the interests of both sides. Although there are some differences between China and the US, both sides have highly integrated interests and extensive cooperation areas. China and the US should not fall into a so-called trap of conflict and confrontation, but should promote each other and develop together. Mr. President has expressed the hope to improve China-US relations for many times. You have also fully agreed that the two sides should respect and benefit each other. This is the right direction we should firmly grasp. The two sides should maintain exchanges at all levels and strengthen cooperation in all areas in accordance with the principles and direction set by Mr. President and me, and work together to advance the China-US relations based on coordination, cooperation and stability.

Donald Trump said that it was a great pleasure to meet with President Xi Jinping again. My visit to China in 2017, which was the most enjoyable one I ever had, still remains fresh in my memory. I saw with my own eyes the very remarkable Chinese civilization and the very great achievements China had made. I harbor no hostility towards China and hope bilateral relations will be even better. I value the good relations with President Xi Jinping and would like to strengthen cooperation with China. Donald Trump said that the US side and the Chinese side will work hard in accordance with the principles and direction set by the two heads of state to jointly promote the US-China relations based on coordination, cooperation and stability, and believed the meeting between the two heads of state will give a strong boost to the development of US-China relations.

On economic and trade issues, Xi Jinping stressed that fundamentally, the essence of China-US economic and trade cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win. Both sides have huge overlapping interests and should be good partners for cooperation which is in the interests of China, the US and the whole world. The Chinese side is sincere in continuing negotiations with the US side to manage differences, but negotiations should be based on equality and mutual respect and address each other's legitimate concerns. On issues concerning China's sovereignty and dignity, China must safeguard its core interests. As the world's two largest economies, China and the US will eventually have to find a mutually acceptable solution to their differences through dialogue and consultation.

Xi Jinping stressed that the Chinese side hopes that the US side will treat Chinese enterprises and Chinese students fairly and ensure normal cooperation in economic, trade and investment between enterprises of China and the US and normal exchanges between the two peoples.

Donald Trump said that the US side hopes to properly resolve the trade imbalance between China and the US through negotiation and provide fair treatment for enterprises of China and the US. The US side will not impose new tariffs on Chinese exports. It is hoped that the Chinese side can increase its imports from the US. The US side is willing to reach a mutually acceptable trade agreement with the Chinese side, which will be of historic significance.

The two heads of state agreed to restart economic and trade consultation on the basis of equality and mutual respect, and the US side will not add any new tariffs on Chinese products. The economic and trade teams of China and the US will discuss specific issues.

Donald Trump said that there are many excellent students in China, adding that Chinese students are always welcome to study in the US.

Xi Jinping elaborated the Chinese government's principled stand on the Taiwan question. Donald Trump said that I attach importance to the Chinese side's concerns on the Taiwan question and the US side will continue to adhere to the one-China policy.

Xi Jinping reiterated the Chinese side's principled position on the Korean Peninsula issue and expressed that the Chinese side supports the leaders of the US and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in maintaining dialogue and contact. Xi Jinping hoped that the US side and the DPRK side would show flexibility and meet each other halfway, resume dialogue as soon as possible and find a solution to address their mutual concerns. The Chinese side is willing to continue to play a constructive role in this regard. Donald Trump said that the US side attaches importance to the Chinese side's role on the Korean Peninsula and is willing to maintain communication and coordination with the Chinese side.

Ding Xuexiang, Liu He, Yang Jiechi, Wang Yi and He Lifeng, as well as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin of the US and other senior government officials attended the meeting.

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